GCC and Make are built-in tools on linux machines. However, as an user of Windows, I need to install them manually.

Step 1. Download and install MinGW Installation Manager

MinGW(Dowload) 全稱 Minimalist GNU For Windows,是個精簡的Windows平台C/C++、ADA及Fortran編譯器,相比Cygwin而言,體積要小很多,使用較為方便。MinGW提供了一套完整的開源編譯工具集,以適合Windows平台應用開發,且不依賴任何第三方C運行時庫。


  • 一套集成編譯器,包括C、C++、ADA語言和Fortran語言編譯器
  • 用於生成Windows二進製文件的GNU工具的(編譯器、鏈接器和檔案管理器)
  • 用於Windows平台安裝和部署MinGW和MSYS的命令行安裝器(mingw-get)
  • 用於命令行安裝器的GUI打包器(mingw-get-inst)

Step 2. Install GCC using MinGW Installation Manager

In the window of minGW, right click on mingw32-gcc-g++ and select Mark for Installation.

Then click Installation on the menu bar and select Apply Change. The installation of gcc would begin.

Step 3. Install Make using MinGW Installation Manager

In the window of minGW, right click on mingw32-gcc-g++ and select Mark for Installation.

Then click Installation on the menu bar and select Apply Change. The installation of gcc would begin.
