In this document, I will walk through the analysis of New York City Taxi Data (with download link shown in Section II) using Python. 6 months of “Yellow” label data will be loaded and analyzed.

I. Data Analytic Tool/Package Used

The following libraries are the basic libraries for data analytics.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
import zipfile
import random
import itertools
import math

On the other hand, to visualize the information extracted from data, the libraries in below are also needed. For example, the Python Shapefile Library (pyshp) provides read and write support for the ESRI Shapefile format. And Matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.

import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline

Furthermore, to deal with the large scale of data (4GB for 6 months in this case), a database is needed. Here I will use SQLAlchemy, which is a Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

nyc_database = create_engine('sqlite:///nyc_database.db')

II. Dataset

The information and download links of NYC Taxi Data can be found in the link below:

Here we use Python code to download “Yellow” label data from 2017 January to 2017 June.

# Download the Trip Record Data
for month in range(1,7):
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(""+ \

# Download the location Data
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "")
with zipfile.ZipFile("","r") as zip_ref:

A. Trip Record Data

The yellow taxi trip records include fields capturing

  • pick-up and drop-off dates/times
  • pick-up and drop-off locations
  • trip distances
  • itemized fares
  • rate types
  • payment types
  • driver-reported passenger counts

and the explanations are in this dictionary.

df = pd.read_csv("nyc.2017-01.csv", nrows=10)
VendorID tpep_pickup_datetime tpep_dropoff_datetime passenger_count trip_distance RatecodeID store_and_fwd_flag PULocationID DOLocationID payment_type fare_amount extra mta_tax tip_amount tolls_amount improvement_surcharge total_amount
0 1 2017-01-09 11:13:28 2017-01-09 11:25:45 1 3.30 1 N 263 161 1 12.5 0.0 0.5 2.00 0 0.3 15.30
1 1 2017-01-09 11:32:27 2017-01-09 11:36:01 1 0.90 1 N 186 234 1 5.0 0.0 0.5 1.45 0 0.3 7.25
2 1 2017-01-09 11:38:20 2017-01-09 11:42:05 1 1.10 1 N 164 161 1 5.5 0.0 0.5 1.00 0 0.3 7.30
3 1 2017-01-09 11:52:13 2017-01-09 11:57:36 1 1.10 1 N 236 75 1 6.0 0.0 0.5 1.70 0 0.3 8.50
4 2 2017-01-01 00:00:00 2017-01-01 00:00:00 1 0.02 2 N 249 234 2 52.0 0.0 0.5 0.00 0 0.3 52.80

Now we load the trip record data into our database chunk by chunk.

j, chunksize = 1, 100000
for month in range(1,7):
    fp = "nyc.2017-{0:0=2d}.csv".format(month)
    for df in pd.read_csv(fp, chunksize=chunksize, iterator=True):
        df = df.rename(columns={c: c.replace(' ', '_') for c in df.columns})
        df['pickup_hour'] = [x[11:13] for x in df['tpep_pickup_datetime']]
        df['dropoff_hour'] = [x[11:13] for x in df['tpep_dropoff_datetime']]
        df.index += j
        df.to_sql('table_record', nyc_database, if_exists='append')
        j = df.index[-1] + 1
del df

Location Data

Location data including TLC taxi zone location IDs, location names and corresponding boroughs for each ID can be found here. A shapefile containing the boundaries for the taxi zones can be found here.

Note that if you need the exact latitude/longitude of each region, this website will do you the favor.

sf = shapefile.Reader("shape/taxi_zones.shp")
fields_name = [field[0] for field in sf.fields[1:]]
shp_dic = dict(zip(fields_name, list(range(len(fields_name)))))
attributes = sf.records()
shp_attr = [dict(zip(fields_name, attr)) for attr in attributes]

df_loc = pd.DataFrame(shp_attr).join(get_lat_lon(sf).set_index("LocationID"), on="LocationID")
LocationID OBJECTID Shape_Area Shape_Leng borough zone longitude latitude
0 1 1 0.000782 0.116357 EWR Newark Airport -74.171533 40.689483
1 2 2 0.004866 0.433470 Queens Jamaica Bay -73.822478 40.610824
2 3 3 0.000314 0.084341 Bronx Allerton/Pelham Gardens -73.844953 40.865747
3 4 4 0.000112 0.043567 Manhattan Alphabet City -73.977725 40.724137
4 5 5 0.000498 0.092146 Staten Island Arden Heights -74.187558 40.550664
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15,8))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("Boroughs in NYC")
draw_region_map(ax, sf)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("Zones in NYC")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf)

Location Data

III. Analytic Problems

In the following 3 Analytic Problems, I will show my analytic results and graph visualizations along with the Python code that generates the plots.

Q1: Which regions have most pickups and drop-offs?

In the beginning, we select the data we need (location of pickup/dropoff ans their counts) from the databse.

df_pu = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT PULocationID AS LocationID, count(*) AS PUcount \
                        FROM table_record \
                        GROUP BY PULocationID', nyc_database)
df_do = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT DOLocationID AS LocationID, count(*) AS DOcount \
                        FROM table_record \
                        GROUP BY DOLocationID', nyc_database)

With the selected data, we want to obtain the zones with most pickups and drop-offs.

template = pd.DataFrame([x for x in range(1,max(df_loc['LocationID'].tolist()))], columns=["LocationID"])
df_q1 = pd.concat([df_pu, df_do]).join(template.set_index("LocationID"), how = 'outer', on=["LocationID"]).fillna(0) \
                                    .groupby(["LocationID"], as_index=False) \
                                    .agg({'PUcount': 'sum', 'DOcount': 'sum'})\
df_q1['TOTALcount'] = df_q1['PUcount'] + df_q1['DOcount']
loc = df_loc[["LocationID", "zone", "borough"]]
df_q1 = df_q1.merge(loc, left_on="LocationID", right_on="LocationID")

PUcount = dict(zip(df_q1['LocationID'].tolist(), df_q1['PUcount'].tolist()))
PUtop3 = df_q1.sort_values(by=['PUcount'], ascending=False).set_index("LocationID").head(3)
DOcount = dict(zip(df_q1['LocationID'].tolist(), df_q1['DOcount'].tolist()))
DOtop3 = df_q1.sort_values(by=['DOcount'], ascending=False).set_index("LocationID").head(3)

In the tables below, we can see that in the first half of 2017,

  • the top 3 pickup zones are Upper East Side South, Midtown Center, and Upper East Side North, which are all in Manhattan.
  • the top 3 drop-off zones are also Upper East Side South, Midtown Center, and Upper East Side North.
PUcount DOcount TOTALcount zone borough
237 1915990.0 1692273.0 3608263.0 Upper East Side South Manhattan
161 1822848.0 1781749.0 3604597.0 Midtown Center Manhattan
236 1774245.0 1828630.0 3602875.0 Upper East Side North Manhattan
PUcount DOcount TOTALcount zone borough
236 1774245.0 1828630.0 3602875.0 Upper East Side North Manhattan
161 1822848.0 1781749.0 3604597.0 Midtown Center Manhattan
237 1915990.0 1692273.0 3608263.0 Upper East Side South Manhattan
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(18,8))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("Zones with most pickups")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat=PUcount, text=PUtop3.index.tolist())
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("Zones with most drop-offs")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat=DOcount, text=DOtop3.index.tolist())

Popular Zones in the forst half of 2017

Note that in the figure above, we can see that despite the top 3 pickup/dropoff zones, many other zones in Manhattan are also popular. By the way, the zone in the lower-right part of the map, which is JFK Airport, is the most popular pickup/dropoff zone in New York City excluding zones in Manhattan.

Next, we investigate boroughs with most pickups and drop-offs. In the tables below, we can see that Manhattan is obviously the most popular borough and Staten Island is the least popular borough. Queens and Brooklyn are also popular, although their pickup/droppoff count is less than 10% of Manhattan’s.

df_q1_region = df_q1.groupby(["borough"], as_index=False) \
                    .agg({'PUcount': 'sum', 'DOcount': 'sum', 'TOTALcount': 'sum'}) \
                    .sort_values(by=['TOTALcount'], ascending=False)
borough PUcount DOcount TOTALcount
3 Manhattan 44852180.0 43309852.0 88162032.0
4 Queens 2893988.0 2473817.0 5367805.0
1 Brooklyn 725594.0 2335785.0 3061379.0
0 Bronx 42170.0 305066.0 347236.0
2 EWR 3457.0 91694.0 95151.0
5 Staten Island 1561.0 11871.0 13432.0
PUcount = dict(zip(df_q1_region['borough'].tolist(), df_q1_region['PUcount'].tolist()))
DOcount = dict(zip(df_q1_region['borough'].tolist(), df_q1_region['DOcount'].tolist()))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15,8))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("Boroughs with most pickups")
draw_region_map(ax, sf, heat = PUcount)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("Boroughs with most drop-offs")
draw_region_map(ax, sf, heat = DOcount)

Popular Boroughs in the first half iof 2017

In the figure above, it is noticed that in the first half of 2017, there are more pickups in Queens than in Brooklyn while there are similar number of drop-offs in both Queens and Brooklyn.

Q2: When are the peak hours and off-peak hours for taking taxi?

Again we start from selecting data needed from the database.

df_pu = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT pickup_hour AS time, count(*) AS PUcount \
                        FROM table_record \
                        GROUP BY pickup_hour', nyc_database)
df_do = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT dropoff_hour AS time, count(*) AS DOcount \
                        FROM table_record \
                        GROUP BY dropoff_hour', nyc_database)
df_q2 = df_pu.merge(df_do, on="time")

From the selected data, we arrange and show the visualization of the information we need.

template = pd.DataFrame(["{0:0=2d}".format(x) for x in range(0,24)], columns=["time"])
df_q2 = df_q2.join(template.set_index("time"), how = 'outer', on=["time"]).fillna(0) \
                .groupby(["time"], as_index=False) \
                .agg({'PUcount': 'sum', 'DOcount': 'sum'}) \
                .rename(columns = {'PUcount':'Pick-ups', 'DOcount': 'Drop-offs'}) \

ax = df_q2.plot(x='time', y=['Pick-ups', 'Drop-offs'], kind='line', style="-o", figsize=(15,5))

The Accumulated Number of Taxi Trips at Different Time of in the First Half of 2017

As you can see, according to the NYC Taxi records from 2017 January to 2017 June, it is found that

  • The peak hours are around 6PM ~ 7PM.
  • The off-peak hours are around 5AM.

Q3: What are the differences between short and long distance trips of taking taxi?

To answer this question, we should define what short and long distance trips are at first.

1. Define short and long distance

To get a closer look at the distribution of trip distance, we select the trip_distance column values and print out its summary statistics.

df_dist = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT trip_distance FROM table_record', nyc_database)
count    4.932189e+07
mean     2.891543e+00
std      3.701831e+00
min      0.000000e+00
25%      9.800000e-01
50%      1.600000e+00
75%      3.000000e+00
max      1.514910e+03
Name: trip_distance, dtype: float64

The distrubution of trip_distance is extremely right skewed, which is shown in the figure below.

ax = df_dist['trip_distance'].hist(bins=30, figsize=(15,5))
ax.set_xlabel("trip distance (miles)")

The Distribution of Trip Distance

According to the dustribution of trip distances and the fact that it takes about 30 miles to drive across the whole New York City, we decided to use 30 as the number to split the trips into short or long distance trips.

df_q3_short = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT count(*) AS count FROM table_record \
                                 WHERE trip_distance < 30', nyc_database)
df_q3_long = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT count(*) AS count FROM table_record \
                                WHERE trip_distance >= 30 ', nyc_database)
print("Short Trips: {} records in total.\nLong Trips: {} records in total."\
     .format(df_q3_short.values[0][0], df_q3_long.values[0][0]))
Short Trips: 49303249 records in total.
Long Trips: 18640 records in total.

2. Observe The Difference in Temporal Attributes

Instinctly, we think that the pickup/dropoff time may be different for short trips and long trips since the purpose for short trips is not the same as that of long trips.

To validate our assumption, we first select temporal information from our database.

df_q3_short = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT pickup_hour AS PUtime, \
                                 dropoff_hour AS DOtime, count(*) AS count \
                                 FROM table_record \
                                 WHERE trip_distance < 30 \
                                 GROUP BY pickup_hour, dropoff_hour', nyc_database)
df_q3_long = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT pickup_hour AS PUtime, \
                                 dropoff_hour AS DOtime, count(*) AS count \
                                 FROM table_record \
                                 WHERE trip_distance >= 30 \
                                 GROUP BY pickup_hour, dropoff_hour', nyc_database)

Afterwards, we visualize the pickup/dropoff counts at each time for both short trips and long trips.

df_q3 = df_q3_short.merge(df_q3_long, on=["PUtime", "DOtime"], suffixes=["_short", "_long"]) \
                        .rename(columns={"count_short":"short trips", "count_long":"long trips", \
                                        "PUtime":"pickup time", "DOtime":"dropoff time"})

df_q3_PU = df_q3.groupby(["pickup time"], as_index=False) \
            .agg({'short trips': 'sum', 'long trips':'sum'}) \
            .sort_values(by="pickup time")
df_q3_DO = df_q3.groupby(["dropoff time"], as_index=False) \
            .agg({'short trips': 'sum', 'long trips':'sum'}) \
            .sort_values(by="dropoff time")


The Pickup/Drop-off Time For Short Trips and Long Trips

Based on the figure shown above, we can observe that

  1. For short trips,
    • the peak hours of pickups are from 6PM to 10PM.
    • the peak hours of dropoffs are also from 6PM to 10PM.
  2. For long trips ( > 30 miles),
    • the peak hours of pickups are from 1PM to 4PM.
    • the peak hours of dropoffs are from 3PM to midnight.
  3. The off-peak hours are similar for both short trips and long trips.

With these observations, it can be guesed that

  • Short trips are mainly contributed by people having dinner and hanging out at night.
  • Long trips ( > 30 miles) are contributed by travelers taking an arrival or a departure.

3. Observe The Difference in Spatial Attributes

So let’s examine if our guesses are correct by summarize the spatial attributes of short trips and long trips.

Here we extract pickup/dropoff locations and their counts from database by grouping the counts by each ('pickup zone', 'dropoff zone') pair.

df_q3_short = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT PULocationID, DOLocationID, count(*) AS count \
                                 FROM table_record \
                                 WHERE trip_distance < 30 \
                                 GROUP BY PULocationID, DOLocationID', nyc_database)
df_q3_long = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT PULocationID, DOLocationID, count(*) AS count \
                                 FROM table_record \
                                 WHERE trip_distance >= 30 \
                                 GROUP BY PULocationID, DOLocationID', nyc_database)

After extracting data from database, we then arrange the information and show the top 3 ('pickup zone', 'dropoff zone') pair for both short trips and long trips.

df_q3 = df_q3_short.merge(df_q3_long, on=["PULocationID", "DOLocationID"], suffixes=["_short", "_long"]) \
                        .rename(columns={"count_short":"short trips", "count_long":"long trips"})
df_q3 = df_q3.merge(df_loc[["LocationID", "zone"]], left_on="PULocationID", right_on="LocationID") \
             .drop(['LocationID'], axis=1).rename(columns={"zone":"pickup zone"}) \
             .merge(df_loc[["LocationID", "zone"]], left_on="DOLocationID", right_on="LocationID") \
             .drop(['LocationID'], axis=1).rename(columns={"zone":"dropoff zone"})

In the tables below, we can see that

  1. The top 3 routes for short trips are all in the most prosperous area in Manhattan, which are filled with restaurants and entertainment venues.
  2. The top 3 routes for long trips ( > 30 miles) are routes that drive from one airport zone to another.
    • The second popular route is a special case that passengers are picked up from and also dropped-off at JFK Airport, which may be some kind of city tours of the tranfer during their waiting time between the connecting flights.

These findings support our guesses that long trips are for traveling and that short trips are for eating and entertaining.

ShortTrip_top3 = df_q3.sort_values(by="short trips", ascending=False).head(3)
ShortTrip_top3[['pickup zone', 'dropoff zone', 'short trips']]
pickup zone dropoff zone short trips
563 Upper East Side North Upper East Side North 238878
632 Upper East Side South Upper East Side South 209915
1025 Upper West Side South Upper West Side North 137164
LongTrip_top3 = df_q3.sort_values(by="long trips", ascending=False).head(3)
LongTrip_top3[['pickup zone', 'dropoff zone', 'long trips']]
pickup zone dropoff zone long trips
29 JFK Airport Newark Airport 1097
101 JFK Airport JFK Airport 586
31 LaGuardia Airport Newark Airport 463

On the other hand, we can also observe the popular zones for short and long trips on map. By aggregating the pickup/dropoff trip count of each zone, we then show the popular pickup/drop-off zones for short trips and long trips.

df_q3_PU = df_q3.groupby("PULocationID", as_index=False).agg({'short trips':'sum', 'long trips':'sum'})
PUtop3_short = df_q3_PU.sort_values(by=['short trips'], ascending=False).set_index("PULocationID").head(3)
PUtop3_long = df_q3_PU.sort_values(by=['long trips'], ascending=False).set_index("PULocationID").head(3)
PUcount_short = dict(zip(df_q3_PU['PULocationID'].tolist(), df_q3_PU['short trips'].tolist()))
PUcount_long = dict(zip(df_q3_PU['PULocationID'].tolist(), df_q3_PU['long trips'].tolist()))

df_q3_DO = df_q3.groupby("DOLocationID", as_index=False).agg({'short trips':'sum', 'long trips':'sum'})
DOtop3_short = df_q3_DO.sort_values(by=['short trips'], ascending=False).set_index("DOLocationID").head(3)
DOtop3_long = df_q3_DO.sort_values(by=['long trips'], ascending=False).set_index("DOLocationID").head(3)
DOcount_short = dict(zip(df_q3_DO['DOLocationID'].tolist(), df_q3_DO['short trips'].tolist()))
DOcount_long = dict(zip(df_q3_DO['DOLocationID'].tolist(), df_q3_DO['long trips'].tolist()))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(18,18))
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("Zones with most pickups for Short Trips")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat=PUcount_short, text=PUtop3_short.index.tolist())
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("Zones with most pickups for Long Trips")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat=PUcount_long, text=PUtop3_long.index.tolist())
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax.set_title("Zones with most drop-offs for Short Trips")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat=DOcount_short, text=DOtop3_short.index.tolist())
ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax.set_title("Zones with most drop-offs for Long Trips")
draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat=DOcount_long, text=DOtop3_long.index.tolist())

Popular Pickup/Drop-off Zones for Short Trips and Long Trips

From the figure above, we can find something interesting:

  1. Surprisingly, JFK Airport is the most popular pickup zone for short trips.
    • More specifically, in 6 months there are about 1 million taxis taken from JFK Airport (about 5700 trips per day) and drive no more than 30 miles to arrive their destination.
    • These passengers may contain foreign travelers or locals who just came back from abroad.
  2. There are more drop-offs at JFK Airport than Newark Airport in short trips.
  3. There are more drop-offs at Newark Airport than JFK Airport in long trips.
  4. For long trips, JFK Airport and LaGuardia Airport are the most popular pickup zones.

4. Other Differences

Lastly, we compare short trips and long trips in some other aspects.

for attr in ["passenger_count", "RatecodeID", "payment_type"]:
    diff_short_long_trip_on(attr, rpr="proportion", kind='bar')

Passenger Count

Unexpectedly, the distribution of passenger count is nearly the same for short trips and long trips.


RateCodeID represents the final rate code in effect at the end of the trip:

  • 1=Standard rate
  • 2=JFK
  • 3=Newark
  • 4=Nassau or Westchester
  • 5=Negotiated fare
  • 6=Group ride

It can be seen that 40 percent of long trips use Negotiated fare and another 40 percent of long trips use JFK, Newark, or Nassau or Westchester while less than 5 percent of short trips use any of them.

Payment Type

payment_type is a numeric code signifying how the passenger paid for the trip:

  • 1=Credit card
  • 2=Cash
  • 3=No charge
  • 4=Dispute

Passengers of long trips paid a little more frequent in credit card and a little less frequent in cash comparing to that of short trips.

IV. Appendix

Here are some self-defined functions that are frequently used in the above sections.

def diff_short_long_trip_on_time():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(18,18))

    ax = plt.subplot(2,2,1, polar=True)
    # make the histogram that bined on 24 hour
    radii = np.array(df_q3_PU['short trips'].tolist(), dtype="int64")
    title = "Pickup Time for Short Trips"
    plt_clock(ax, radii, title, "#dc143c")

    ax = plt.subplot(2,2,2, polar=True)
    # make the histogram that bined on 24 hour
    radii = np.array(df_q3_PU['long trips'].tolist(), dtype="int64")
    title = "Pickup Time for Long Trips"
    plt_clock(ax, radii, title, "#56B4E9")

    ax = plt.subplot(2,2,3, polar=True)
    # make the histogram that bined on 24 hour
    radii = np.array(df_q3_DO['short trips'].tolist(), dtype="int64")
    title = "Dropoff Time for Short Trips"
    plt_clock(ax, radii, title, "#dc143c")

    ax = plt.subplot(2,2,4, polar=True)
    # make the histogram that bined on 24 hour
    radii = np.array(df_q3_DO['long trips'].tolist(), dtype="int64")
    title = "Dropoff Time for Long Trips"
    plt_clock(ax, radii, title, "#56B4E9")
def plt_clock(ax, radii, title, color):
    N = 24
    bottom = 2

    # create theta for 24 hours
    theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False)

    # width of each bin on the plot
    width = (2*np.pi) / N
    bars =, radii, width=width, bottom=bottom, color=color, edgecolor="#999999")

    # set the lable go clockwise and start from the top
    # clockwise

    # set the label
    ticks = ["{}:00".format(x) for x in range(24)]
def diff_short_long_trip_on(attr, rpr="count", kind='bar'):
    df_q3_short = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT '+attr+', count(*) as count \
                                    FROM table_record \
                                    WHERE trip_distance < 30 \
                                    GROUP BY '+attr, nyc_database)
    df_q3_long = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT '+attr+', avg(trip_distance) AS AVG_trip_distance, count(*) as count \
                                    FROM table_record \
                                    WHERE trip_distance >= 30 \
                                    GROUP BY '+attr, nyc_database)
    if rpr == "proportion":
        s = np.sum(df_q3_short['count'].values)
        df_q3_short['proportion'] = [float(x)/s for x in df_q3_short['count']]
        s = np.sum(df_q3_long['count'].values)
        df_q3_long['proportion'] = [float(x)/s for x in df_q3_long['count']]
    df_q3 = df_q3_short.merge(df_q3_long, on=attr, suffixes=["_short", "_long"]) \
                        .rename(columns={rpr+"_short":"short trips", rpr+"_long":"long trips"}) 
    ax = df_q3.plot(x=attr, y=['short trips', 'long trips'], kind=kind, figsize=(15,5))
    ax.set_title(attr.replace("_", " ")+" difference in short/long trip")
def get_lat_lon(sf):
    content = []
    for sr in sf.shapeRecords():
        shape = sr.shape
        rec = sr.record
        loc_id = rec[shp_dic['LocationID']]
        x = (shape.bbox[0]+shape.bbox[2])/2
        y = (shape.bbox[1]+shape.bbox[3])/2
        content.append((loc_id, x, y))
    return pd.DataFrame(content, columns=["LocationID", "longitude", "latitude"])
def get_boundaries(sf):
    lat, lon = [], []
    for shape in list(sf.iterShapes()):
        lat.extend([shape.bbox[0], shape.bbox[2]])
        lon.extend([shape.bbox[1], shape.bbox[3]])

    margin = 0.01 # buffer to add to the range
    lat_min = min(lat) - margin
    lat_max = max(lat) + margin
    lon_min = min(lon) - margin
    lon_max = max(lon) + margin

    return lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max
def draw_region_map(ax, sf, heat={}):
    continent = [235/256, 151/256, 78/256]
    ocean = (89/256, 171/256, 227/256)    
    reg_list={'Staten Island':1, 'Queens':2, 'Bronx':3, 'Manhattan':4, 'EWR':5, 'Brooklyn':6}
    reg_x = {'Staten Island':[], 'Queens':[], 'Bronx':[], 'Manhattan':[], 'EWR':[], 'Brooklyn':[]}
    reg_y = {'Staten Island':[], 'Queens':[], 'Bronx':[], 'Manhattan':[], 'EWR':[], 'Brooklyn':[]}
    # colorbar
    if len(heat) != 0:
        norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=math.sqrt(min(heat.values())), vmax=math.sqrt(max(heat.values()))) #norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=1,vmax=max(heat))
        #sm =, norm=norm)
        #plt.colorbar(sm, ticks=np.linspace(min(heat.values()),max(heat.values()),8), \
        #             boundaries=np.arange(min(heat.values())-10,max(heat.values())+10,.1))
    for sr in sf.shapeRecords():
        shape = sr.shape
        rec = sr.record
        reg_name = rec[shp_dic['borough']]
        if len(heat) == 0:
            norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1,vmax=6) #norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=1,vmax=max(heat))
            R,G,B,A = cm(norm(reg_list[reg_name]))
            col = [R,G,B]
            R,G,B,A = cm(norm(math.sqrt(heat[reg_name])))
            col = [R,G,B]
        # check number of parts (could use MultiPolygon class of shapely?)
        nparts = len( # total parts
        if nparts == 1:
            polygon = Polygon(shape.points)
            patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, facecolor=col, alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
        else: # loop over parts of each shape, plot separately
            for ip in range(nparts): # loop over parts, plot separately
                i0 =[ip]
                if ip < nparts-1:
                    i1 =[ip+1]-1
                    i1 = len(shape.points)

                polygon = Polygon(shape.points[i0:i1+1])
                patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, facecolor=col, alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
    for k in reg_list:
        if len(heat)==0:
            plt.text(np.mean(reg_x[k]), np.mean(reg_y[k]), k, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',
                        bbox=dict(facecolor='black', alpha=0.5), color="white", fontsize=12)     
            plt.text(np.mean(reg_x[k]), np.mean(reg_y[k]), "{}\n({}K)".format(k, heat[k]/1000), horizontalalignment='center', 
                     verticalalignment='center',bbox=dict(facecolor='black', alpha=0.5), color="white", fontsize=12)       

    # display
    limits = get_boundaries(sf)
    plt.xlim(limits[0], limits[1])
    plt.ylim(limits[2], limits[3])
def draw_zone_map(ax, sf, heat={}, text=[], arrows=[]):
    continent = [235/256, 151/256, 78/256]
    ocean = (89/256, 171/256, 227/256)
    theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, len(text)+1).tolist()
    # colorbar
    if len(heat) != 0:
        norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(heat.values()),vmax=max(heat.values())) #norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=1,vmax=max(heat))
        sm =, norm=norm)
        plt.colorbar(sm, ticks=np.linspace(min(heat.values()),max(heat.values()),8),
    for sr in sf.shapeRecords():
        shape = sr.shape
        rec = sr.record
        loc_id = rec[shp_dic['LocationID']]
        zone = rec[shp_dic['zone']]
        if len(heat) == 0:
            col = continent
            if loc_id not in heat:
                R,G,B,A = cm(norm(0))
                R,G,B,A = cm(norm(heat[loc_id]))
            col = [R,G,B]

        # check number of parts (could use MultiPolygon class of shapely?)
        nparts = len( # total parts
        if nparts == 1:
            polygon = Polygon(shape.points)
            patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, facecolor=col, alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
        else: # loop over parts of each shape, plot separately
            for ip in range(nparts): # loop over parts, plot separately
                i0 =[ip]
                if ip < nparts-1:
                    i1 =[ip+1]-1
                    i1 = len(shape.points)

                polygon = Polygon(shape.points[i0:i1+1])
                patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, facecolor=col, alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
        x = (shape.bbox[0]+shape.bbox[2])/2
        y = (shape.bbox[1]+shape.bbox[3])/2
        if (len(text) == 0 and rec[shp_dic['Shape_Area']] > 0.0001):
            plt.text(x, y, str(loc_id), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')            
        elif len(text) != 0 and loc_id in text:
            #plt.text(x+0.01, y-0.01, str(loc_id), fontsize=12, color="white", bbox=dict(facecolor='black', alpha=0.5))
            eta_x = 0.05*np.cos(theta[text.index(loc_id)])
            eta_y = 0.05*np.sin(theta[text.index(loc_id)])
            ax.annotate("[{}] {}".format(loc_id, zone), xy=(x, y), xytext=(x+eta_x, y+eta_y),
                        bbox=dict(facecolor='black', alpha=0.5), color="white", fontsize=12,
                        arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', width=3, shrink=0.05))
    if len(arrows)!=0:
        for arr in arrows:
            ax.annotate('', xy = arr['dest'], xytext = arr['src'], size = arr['cnt'],
                    arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="fancy", fc="0.6", ec="none"))
    # display
    limits = get_boundaries(sf)
    plt.xlim(limits[0], limits[1])
    plt.ylim(limits[2], limits[3])