Monothetic Clustering is often used in Taxonomy. For example, when you see a strange animal, how do you know if it’s never reported before? You may need to ask $N$ True-or-False questions.

  • Q1. animal? (yes/no)
  • Q2. with legs? (yes/no)

So $Monthetic$ means that every time we only use a single attribute(variable) to cluster.

As the example above, since $v_2$ and $v_7$ ask the question that all animals answer the same, we can remove $v_7$ (or remove $v_2$). On the other hand, if all animals answer complemently for two questions, we can also remove one of them.

Measure of Association

Measure of association between 2 variables $x$ and $y$ can be written as

\[M(x, y) = M_{xy} = \|Count_{(x,y)=(1,1)} * Count_{(x,y)=(0,0)} - Count_{(x,y)=(1,0)} * Count_{(x,y)=(0,1)}\|\]

For example,

  • $M(v_1,v_2)$ = |22 - 22| = 0
  • $M(v_4,v_5)$ = |42 - 20| = 8

Note that the measure sum $Sum_i$ for variable $v_i$ is

\[Sum_i = \sum_{j \neq i} M_{ij}\]

and the variable $v_i$ with the largest $Sum_i$ will be used for clustering.


Assume there are 8 data points ${A, B, C, D, E, F, G}$, each with 6 attributes ${v_i, v_2, …, v_6}$.

For the first iteration, we compute

\[Sum_i = \sum_{j \neq i} M_{ij}\]

for $i \in {1,2,…,6}$.

and choose $v_i$ with the largest $Sum_i$, say, $Sum_5$ is the largest, then we separate data points into 2 clusters accoding to their answer on $v_5$.

Suppose the separated clusters are

  • ${A,B,C,D}$
  • ${E,F,G}$

Then for each cluster $C$ generated, we compute

\[Sum_i = \sum_{i \neq j} M_{ij}\]

for $i \in {1,2,…,6} - {5}$.

and choose $i$ with the largest $Sum_i$ to separate cluster $C$.
