Size of the discretized intervals affect support & confidence.

  • If intervals too small
    • may not have enough support
    • e.g. {Refund = No, (Income = 51,250)} $\rightarrow$ {Cheat = No}
  • If intervals too large
    • may not have enough confidence
    • e.g. {Refund = No, (0K $\leq$ Income $\leq$ 1B)} $\rightarrow$ {Cheat = No}

When there is any numerical attribute, the problem is to discretize individual numerical attribute into interesting intervals. Each interval is represented as a Boolean attribute.

The equi-sized Approach

The equi-sized approach is to simply partition the continuous domain into intervals with equal length.

The equi-depth Approach

The equi-depth approach basically partitions the data values into intervals with equal size along the ordering of the data.

  1. For a given bucket width $W$, the sorted values are divided into approximately equal buckets
  2. Different bucket has different values: If upper bound of a bucket is equal to the lower bound of the next bucket, then the first value of the next bucket is reassined into the previous bucket.
  3. Bucket width sould be less than $W$: If a bucket with width $\geq W$ has more than 1 value, then the bucket is split in two, one containing all the last value, the other containing all other values.

Srikant & Agrawal’s Approach

Another equi-depth approach proposed by Skrikant and Agrawal is based on the measure of the partial completeness over itemsets. The intuition behind this measure is that the information lost due to partitioning should be as small as possible.

  1. Discretize attribute using equi-depth partitioning
  2. Use partial completeness measure to determine number of partitions
  3. Merge adjacent intervals as long as support is less than max-support

In step 2, we can determine number of intervals ($N$) given partial completeness level ($K$)

Given assumptions as below:

  • $C$: frequent itemsets obtained by considering all ranges of attribute values
  • $P$: frequent itemsets obtained by considering all ranges over the partitions

We know that $P$ is $K$-complete with respect to $C$ if

$ \forall X \in C$, $\exists X’ \in P \subset C$ such that:

  1. $X’$ is a generalization of $X$ and $support (X’) \leq K \times support(X)~~~~(K \geq 1)$
  2. $ \exists Y’ \subset X’$ such that $support (Y’) \leq K \times support(Y),~\forall Y \subset X $

As the number of intervals increases, $K$ increases and at the same time information loss rises. As a result, we can determine number of intervals by choosing a proper $K$.

Interestingness Measure

For $S: X \rightarrow Y$, and its generalization $S’: X’ \rightarrow Y’$, Rule $S$ is $R$-interesting with respect to its ancestor rule $S’$ if

\[R \times E_{E'}(Support(S)) \leq Support(S) \\ or \\ R \times E_{E'}(Confidence(S)) \leq Confidence(S)\]


\[E_{E'}(Support(S))=\frac{P(s_{1})}{P(s_{1}')}\times\frac{P(s_{2})}{P(s_{2}')}\times\cdots\times\frac{P(s_{k})}{P(s_{k}')}\times Support(S'), \\ \forall s_{1},s_{2}, ... , s_{k}\in S~and~\forall s_{1}',s_{2}', ... , s_{k}'\in S' \\ and \\ E_{E'}(Confidence(S))=\frac{P(y_{1})}{P(y_{1}')}\times\frac{P(y_{2})}{P(y_{2}')}\times\cdots\times\frac{P(y_{k})}{P(y_{k}')}\times Confidence(S'), \\ \forall y_{1},y_{2}, ... , y_{k}\in Y~and~\forall y_{1}',y_{2}', ... , y_{k}'\in Y'\]
